Научно-публицистический журнал “Центр и периферия”
The scientific journal “Center and Periphery”
UDK 94(470)
In our difficult times, the Russian Military Historical Society fulfills a noble mission — it preserves the memory of the glorious victories of our ancestors, of great events and outstanding personalities, protecting the truth about our past from falsifications, perpetuating the names of heroes, popularizing historical knowledge, including among youth, assisting the public in the implementation of patriotic projects. The solution of these tasks contributes to the upholding of historical truth, the preservation of historical memory, the strengthening of the spiritual and moral foundations of the development of Russian society, the consolidation and unification of the multinational people of Russia.
Keywords: Russian Military Historical Society, anniversary, the activities of the Russian Military Historical Society, the preservation of historical memory and truth, indivisibility of the Russian state
For citation: Ten years on the protection of historical memory: (R. I. Medinsky, I. A. Kaznacheeva on the activities of the Russian Military Historical Society). Center and Periphery. 2023;18(1):8—17. EDN ABEVMJ
The article was submitted 08.02.2023; accepted for publication 13.02.2023.