UDK 902/904



Regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society in the Republic of Mordovia — one of the most effective NPOs in the region: chronicle of the decade


Kursheva G. A., Bikeykin Е. N.



The formation and preservation of historical memory, active counteraction to attempts to distort national history, historical and patriotic work with young people are important components of modern life. In this regard, the systematization and study of the experience to solve the problems of institutionalization and implementation of successful social practices by regional non-profit public organizations are of particular relevance. Thus the activities of the Regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society in the Republic of Mordovia, established in 2013, are indicative and useful both in terms of an example of successful organizational formation, and in the context of the implementation of socially significant initiatives and projects. The material of the study was reports on the activities of the regional office and current documentation. The stages of organizational and structural formation and development, as well as the main directions of activity and the most significant results are analyzed. It is concluded that the Regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society in the Republic of Mordovia, within its competence and capabilities, is an effective non-profit organization that contributes to the solution of such an important task as the creation of a national security system of the country.


Keywords:  Regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society in the Republic of Mordovia, pre­servation of historical memory, education of patriotism, counteraction to the falsification of history, insti­tutionalization of a non-profit organization, project activities


For citation: Kursheva GA, Bikeykin EN. Regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society in the Republic of Mordovia — one of the most effective NPOs in the region: chronicle of the decade. Center and Periphery. 2023:18(1):18—25. EDN ABMLTF




1. Bikeykin EN, Pisachkin VA. The phenomenon of falsification of history: the problem of definitions. Center and Periphery. 2020;(4):4—18. (In Russ.)

2. Kursheva GA, Bikeykin EN. The Sura defensive frontier in the project activities of the regional branch of the Russian Military and Historical Society in the Republic of Mordovia. Center and Periphery. 2021;(4):10—14. (In Russ.)


Information about the authors:

Galina A. Kursheva, Director of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6151-0977, inst.gum.nauk@e-mordovia.ru

Evgeny N. Bikeykin, deputy director — academic secretary of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7301-0264, bikeykin1977@mail.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Kursheva G. A. — critical analysis and scientific editing of the text;

Bikeykin E. N. — concept development, methodology development, data collection and analysis of sources and literature, writing the initial version of the article.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The article was submitted 16.02.2023; accepted for publication 20.02.2023.