UDK 008:069(470.345):338.48



Forgotten wealth: the magic power of water and time (On the issue of the creation of a modern museum of bog oak in the Republic of Mordovia) 


Shchukin D. S., Prokaeva O. N.



The article deals with the problem of organization of a museum of a unique natural material — bog oak on the territory of the Saransk — Temnikovsky tourist cluster; the positive impact of the revival of ancient crafts on the development of domestic tourism in the Republic of Mordovia is emphasized. For a long time, the bog oak has been developed in an artisanal way. Before the revolution, the material extracted in Russia was mainly supplied to Europe, where its own reserves were depleted. Bog oak was used to create interiors at the courts of the august personages, including stairs, railings, stucco and other decorative elements. When the First World War began, the extraction of this material was suspended, and all contracts with the Europeans were canceled. Later, the development of deposits was revived with varying success. In the 1990s, entrepreneurs tried to organize a business in this segment, but without significant investments and the involvement of highly professional specialists, these ideas were doomed to failure. As a result, many cubic meters of valuable material were destroyed. No wonder that only real experts in their field are able to make products from bog oak (due to the exceptional complexity of processing the wood itself) who are interested in their reputation, and a self-respecting manufacturer accompanies its products with a certificate that serves as a guarantee of quality and authenticity. Today such an organization in the Republic of Mordovia is the only one — LLC “Rostr”. Its latest achievements in the manufacture of original samples of products from subfossilized oak wood, the promotion of information about this amazing material, in the assistance to do scientific researches and the desire of the company management to make the bog oak one of the brands of the republic allow us to assert that the best of all the projects discussed in this area is the creation of a museum institution, devoted to bog oak, which represents the history and modern development of craft on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia. 


Keywords: bog oak, subfossilized oak wood, dendrochronology, exhibition space, bog oak museum, LLC “Rostr”, pilgrimage and tourist cluster “Saransk — Temnikov — Sanaksar” 


Acknowledgments: the authors express gratitude to the director of LLC “Rostr” N. A. Kozin for the materials provided on the research topic.


For citation: Shchukin DS, Prokaeva ON. Forgotten wealth: the magic power of water and time (On the issue of the creation of a modern museum of bog oak in the Republic of Mordovia). Center and Periphery. 2023;18(1):98—107. EDN EIKLUZ 




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Information about the authors:

Dmitry S. Shchukin, Senior Researcher of Department of Theory and History of Culture of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Candidate of Historical Science, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3782-8285, dmschukin2014@yandex.ru

Olga N. Prokayeva, Associate Professor of Department of Cultural Studies and Library and Information Resources of the National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-0399-1029, olga197719@rambler.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Shchukin D. S. — collection and analysis of literature and illustrations, writing the initial version of the article;

Prokaeva O. N. — concept development, scientific text editing.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approver the final version of the manuscript.


Photo materials from the personal archive of D. S. Shchukin are used in the article.


The article was submitted 02.11.2022; approved after reviewing 21.12.2022; accepted for publication 27.12.2022.