Научно-публицистический журнал “Центр и периферия”
The scientific journal “Center and Periphery”
UDK 908
Original article
Pokrovsky Priests and Struysky Nobles: to the Genealogy of the Clergy of the Insar District
Sysuev D. A.
This article deals with the little-studied aspect of local historical significance of serving the priestly Pokrovsky dynasty and their relationship with the well-known noble Struysky family in the region. One of the famous descendants of the Struysky was the poet Alexander Ivanovich Polezhaev. Alexander’s early life was influenced by the priestly Pokrovsky dynasty.
The past of many priestly dynasties is still waiting to be studied. Genealogical issues related to the history of the clergy in the territory of modern Mordovia are little developed. Its origins can partly be seen in the pre-revolutionary publications of a number of priests. If we talk about the history of the priestly family of the Pokrovsky, then its systemic research has not been undertaken before. Only brief references to individual representatives of this dynasty have survived. Chronologically, events from the second half of the XVIII century to the beginning of the XX century, are given due diligence. For the first time, previously unpublished detailed genealogical analysis of the priestly Pokrovsky family is presented. The geography of the family’s service is shown not only on the territory of modern Mordovia, but also beyond its borders. The general contribution of Pokrovsky priests to the care of the spiritual enlightenment of hundreds and thousands of Orthodox people is noted.
Keywords: history of the Russian church, genealogy of clergymen, Pokrovsky priests, Struysky nobles, history of the parish, local history
For citation: Sysuev DA. Pokrovsky Priests and Struysky Nobles: to the Genealogy of the Clergy of the Insar District. Center and Periphery. 2024;19(1):46—55. EDN JSQGZC
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7. Sysuev DA. The History of the Parish of the Three-Holy Church of Saransk: to the Genealogy of the Saransk Clergy. Center and Periphery. 2019;(3):26—33. URL: http://niign.ru/centrandperifirya/czentr-i-periferiya-3-2019-ispr.pdf (In Russ.)
8. Sysuev DA. The History of the Parish of the Assumption Church of Saransk: to the Genealogy of the Saransk Clergy. Center and Periphery. 2020;(3):23—29. URL: http://www.niign.ru/centrandperifirya/3-2020-czentr-i-periferiya.pdf (In Russ.)
9. Sysuev DA. The History of the Parish of the Forerunner Church of Saransk: to the Genealogy of the Saransk Clergy. Center and Periphery. 2021;(1):45—53. URL: http://www.niign.ru/nauchnie-jurnaly/czentr-i-periferiya-1-2021-na-sajt.pdf (In Russ.)
Information about the author:
Dmitry A. Sysuev, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological work of the Saransk Theological Seminary of the Saransk and Mordovian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (52 Saranskaya Str., Saransk 430000, Russia), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, das-riuo@mail.ru
Conflict of interests: the author declares no conflict of interests.
The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
The article was submitted 27.11.2023; approved after reviewing 11.01.2024; accepted for publication 18.01.2024.