Научно-публицистический журнал “Центр и периферия”
The scientific journal “Center and Periphery”
UDK 008:130.2
Cultural heritage: issues and contradictions of definitions
Shindel S. V.
The present article deals with the issues and contradictions that have formed by the present time around the concept of cultural heritage. The first issue is the approach of researchers itself that consists in an attempt to formulate the definition of cultural heritage as such, outside the “human” and “spatial” contexts. The second issue is the attempts to organize a comprehensive system of heritage objects. The difficulty to determine the actual creator-carrier (ethnos or group of ethnoses) of objects, which are the result of cultural diffusion, is the next one. The fourth issue is researchers ignoring the dynamic nature of cultural heritage. In addition, the last one is the translation of samples of cultural heritage to the youth environment. The topic under discussion seems to be significant in modern conditions, when the global processes actualize the search for ethnic social and cultural identity; there is a need to describe and preserve cultural forms that are ontologically characteristic of each nation in particular and the world community as a whole. These cultural forms contain unique ethnic features, mark the originality of the nation, proclaim and affirm the inviolability of spiritual values and landmarks, the leveling or absence of which challenge both the civilizational and biological survival of any ethnos. In order to preserve historical memory and awareness of ethno-cultural involvement, it is necessary to clarify the content of the definition of “cultural heritage”, excluding a certain “vagueness”, to state clearly the borders of the problem field of this concept. Translation and popularization of cultural heritage in the context of historical realities and geopolitical transformations of the XXI century are of particular difficulty.
Keywords: cultural heritage, ethnos, nation, youth, space, cultural diffusion, preservation, translation
For citation: Shindel SV. Cultural heritage: issues and contradictions of definitions. Center and Periphery. 2023;18(2):90—96. EDN DUZQWQ
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Information about the author:
Svetlana V. Shindel, Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Humanities of the Engels Institute of Technology (branch) of the Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (17 Svobody square, Engels 413100, Russia), Candidate of Cultural Studies, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5253-0068, schindelswetlana@mail.ru
Conflict of interests: the author declares no conflict of interests.
The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
The article was submitted 26.09.2022; approved after reviewing 07.02.2023; accepted for publication 14.02.2023.