UDK 94 (47)



Original article


Vasily Onufrievich Barshchevsky at the head of the uyezd school — the first comprehensive school in Samara of the XIX century


Artamonova L. M.



The article is devoted to the study of the development of public education and the formation of a professional group of its workers and organizers in Russia in the first third of the XIX century. Particular attention is paid to the interrelationship between the school, the society and the government. The methodological basis of the study was the theory of modernization, actual techniques of “biographical history” and “history of everyday life”. Based on a large source base, which includes mainly archival materials, the article deals with the administrative and pedagogical activities of V. O. Barshchevsky in Samara, aimed at creating a new form of school organization. Largely as a result of his efforts, the Samara Uyezd School was successfully established in a small Volga city. Effective support for this educational institution was received from the noble class corporation and individual benefactors. For six years, Barshchevsky held the responsible position of a full-time superintendent of the school with a wide range of duties, was a first grade teacher and also at various times taught classes in the preparatory class and lessons of the Law of God. His example demonstrates that relations between employees of the educational department, representatives of the authorities and class corporations acquired rather complex forms. They reflected social, domestic and personal problems. The life and work of the Samara teachers demonstrate a difficult path of the formation of the provincial intelligentsia, the rise of the perception of their social significance, in spite of poverty, everyday troubles, insults from officials and privileged groups. Thanks to the works of the first provincial teachers, the process of formation of the public education system in Russia assumed a consistent and irreversible character.


Keywords: Russia in the XIX century, the Middle Volga Region, public education, culture, modernization


For citation: Artamonova LM. Vasily Onufrievich Barshchevsky at the head of the uyezd school — the first comprehensive school in Samara of the XIX century. Center and Periphery. 2023;18(3):15—24. EDN WSAOSV




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Information about the author:

Ludmila M. Artamonova, Professor of Department of Cultural Studies, Museology and Art History of the Samara State Institute of Culture (167 Frunze Str., Samara 443010, Russia), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4584-6339, artamonovoi@mail.ru


Conflict of interests: the author declares no conflict of interests.


The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The article was submitted 17.05.2023; approved after reviewing 14.06.2023; accepted for publication 19.06.2023.