UDK 338.244 (09)(470.344)




Original article


Personal archive as a source of the Sovietеra


Mineev A. I.



In 2022, the Russian and foreign societies are completely immersed in the history of the Soviet state. This is connected not only with the 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, but also with the beginning of the special military operation (SVO), the roots of which largely go back to the 1920s — 1930s in regard to the organization of the Soviet system of government and national-territorial division. Many scholars, studying the multi-volume files of archival documents, tried to present to the world the life and achievements of the Soviet country objectively. If archives and libraries filled with primary sources, statistical data, periodicals, collections of memoirs and other important documentation, reveal to a greater extent the official side of historical events, then in this article the attention of readers is drawn to such an important type of sources that is not often used in scientific literature, as documents from the personal archives of Soviet people. In many ways, these materials make it possible to analyze the Soviet history of the 1950s — 1980s. Studying the biography, personal documents (especially memoirs) of the Honored Builder of the RSFSR Galina Georgievna Evdokimova, whose life’s work was the organization and development of the building materials industry in Soviet Russia and the Chuvash ASSR, everyone can follow a whole series of important events in Soviet history of the XX century.


Keywords: personal archive, the USSR, G. G. Evdokimova, scientific and industrial association “Rosavtomatstrom”, building materials industry


For citation: Mineev AI. Personal archive as a source of the Soviet еra. Center and Periphery. 2023;18(4):32—39. EDN IMSYQM





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Information about the author:

Alexey I. Mineev, Head of the Interfaculty Basic Laboratory 1C of the I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University (15 Moskovsky Prospekt, Cheboksary 428015, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5791-6210, minalig@inbox.ru


Conflict of interests: the author declares no conflict of interests.


The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The article was submitted 19.06.2023; approved after reviewing 05.09.2023; accepted for publication 12.09.2023.