UDK 398.8




Original article


The current state of the folklore tradition of the Mordvins-Erzya of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia according to the materials of the expedition in 2022


Zubov I. V., Evstigneeva E. I.



The problem of studying autochthonous song traditions is one of the most relevant in regional Russian folklore studies. Its step-by-step solution will make it possible in future to establish connections with oral and poetic works of the resettlers in general, to identify genetic similarities in the studied areas, to clarify the features and causal relationships of transformations occurring at the level of plots, motives and separate episodes in a synchronous-diachronic section. A great contribution to the description of local folklore traditions will be the definition of structural and typological characteristics, in particular poetics, musical and stylistic parameters of timed and non-timed songs, etc. A broader, integrated approach to this issue will allow to actualize textual and musicological research of local and regional traditions, to discover new song patterns and to determine changes within the genre boundaries of specific works. The article implements part of the designated research stages, lays the foundation for further in-depth understanding of the place and role of traditional song folklore in the life of modern society. Based on the comparative typological method, the current state of the autochthonous folklore tradition of the Mordvins-Erzya of the villages of Novaya Pyrma and Semiley of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia is considered, the changes in the repertoire and genre composition in the XX — the early XXI century are analyzed; the most characteristic features of the poetics of the figurative structure and functions of songs, including socio-regulatory ones, are revealed. On the basis of manuscript materials of the Scientific Archive of the Research Institute of Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, modern notes made during the folklore expedition in 2022, some published sources some connections with the resettlement song tradition of the Mordvins-Erzya of the Kemerovo Region are established, the conclusion is made about the stable preservation of individual genres in it in conditions of isolation from the native territory.


Keywords: folklore of the Mordvins-Erzya, Mordovia, the Kochkurovsky District, the Kemerovo Region, autochthonous tradition, genre, poetics, song


Funding: the article was prepared with the support of the RNF (project “Folklore of the autochthonous and resettlement traditions of the peoples of the Volga Region in modern records and historical dynamics: an interactive atlas of sounding texts”, No. 19-78-10113).


For citation: Zubov IV, Evstigneeva EI. The current state of the folklore tradition of the Mordvins-Erzya of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia according to the materials of the expedition in 2022. Center and Periphery. 2023;18(4):47—57. EDN DMIBKO




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1. Ageeva Rosa Stepanovna, born in 1938, the village of Novaya Pyrma of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

2. Admaykina Evdokiya Gerasimovna, born in 1947, the village of Novaya Pyrma of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

3. Bezzubova Marina Ivanovna, born in 1970, the village of Semiley of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

4. Bekshaeva Lyubov Ivanovna, born in 1962, the village of Semiley of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

5. Boyarkina Mariya Dmitrievna, born in 1962, the village of Novaya Pyrma of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

6. Lazutkina Vera Nikolaevna, born in 1959, the village of Novaya Pyrma of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

7. Nacharkina Elizaveta Pavlovna, born in 1939, the village of Semiley of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

8. Ustinova Raisa Alekseevna, born in 1938, the village of Novaya Pyrma of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.

9. Frolkina Praskovya Nikolaevna, born in 1942, the village of Novaya Pyrma of the Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, recorded in 2022.


Information about the authors:

Igor V. Zubov, Principal Researcher — Head of Department of Literature and Folklore of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia); Senior Researcher of Folklore Sector of the Peoples of Siberia of the Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (8 Nikolaeva Str., Novosibirsk 630090, Russia), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associated Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2836-7969, komoro@rambler.ru

Ekaterina I. Evstigneeva, Junior Researcher of Folklore Sector of the Peoples of Siberia of the Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (8 Nikolaeva Str., Novosibirsk 630090, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-7096-8511, evstignee@yandex.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Zubov I. V. — concept development, methodology development, data collection and literature analysis, writing the initial version of the article;

Evstigneeva E. I. — data collection, editing of translations of the national text.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The article was submitted 28.04.2023; approved after reviewing 26.06.2023; accepted for publication 06.07.2023.