Научно-публицистический журнал “Центр и периферия”
The scientific journal “Center and Periphery”
UDK 908
Original article
The Three-Hundredth Anniversary of Ufa on the Ufa Diocesan Bulletin Pages
Valeeva A. F., Rakhimov R. N.
In 2024, Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, will celebrate the 450th anniversary of its founding. On the eve of the celebration on the occasion of such a great holiday of federal significance, it is appropriate to recreate the events that took place 150 years ago, covered on the pages of the Orthodox newspaper Ufa Diocesan Gazette, the official publication of the Ufa and Menzelinsk diocese. The celebration of the 300th anniversary of Ufa was written in 9 issues of this periodical. Based on newspaper articles, the authors managed to find out how important this event was for the provincial government and ordinary citizens, how scrupulously preparations for the events were carried out and how each stage of the three-day celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary was thought out. Commemorative practices (a set of ways in which the memory of the past is consolidated, preserved and transmitted in society), expressed in various forms (a joint liturgy in honor of the founders of the city, processions, a military parade, the performance of hymns, etc.), contributed to the formation in society of a unified attitude towards the past, including the “local” one, which formed an integral part of the common past of the people and the state.
Keywords: Ufa anniversary, historical memory, commemorative practices, orthodoxy, Ufa diocese
Acknowledgments: the authors express their gratitude to Candidate of Historical Sciences V. N. Makarova, Candidate of Philological Sciences F. Sh. Sibagatov, the staff of the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Akhmet-Zaki Validi National Library of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the provided illustrations.
For citation: Valeeva AF, Rakhimov RN. The Three-Hundredth Anniversary of Ufa on the Ufa Diocesan Bulletin Pages. Center and Periphery. 2024;19(1):56—63. EDN ZGHXAB
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Information about the authors:
Albina F. Valeeva, Master's Student of Department of Russian History, Historiography and Source Studies of the Ufa University of Science and Technology (32 Zaki Validi Str., Ufa 450076, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8412-7072, alb213@mail.ru
Ramil N. Rakhimov, Head of Department of Russian History, Historiography and Source Studies of the Ufa University of Science and Technology (32 Zaki Validi Str., Ufa 450076, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5642-6591, rakhimovrn@mail.ru
Contribution of the authors:
Valeeva A. F. — concept development, methodology development, collection of materials and analysis of sources and literature, writing the initial version of the article;
Rakhimov R. N. — critical analysis, scientific editing of the text.
Conflict of interest: the authors declare no conflict of interest.
The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
The article was submitted 01.12.2023; approved after reviewing 19.01.2024; accepted for publication 26.01.2024.