UDK 027.54




Publicistic article


The cultural center of Mordovia: our first 125


Chavkunkina O. I.



The National Library named after A. S. Pushkin of the Republic of Mordovia is the oldest institution of culture. 2024 is the year of the 125th anniversary of its foundation. The article provides a brief historical background and information about the main activities of the library. As one of the recognized cultural centers of the region, the National Library named after A. S. Pushkin conducts active educational and local history activities, participates in many interregional, all-Russian and international professional projects; it carries out purposeful work to promote books and reading, popularize the creative heritage of outstanding writers. An important component of the library’s activities is the organization of socially significant cultural events and scientific events aimed at promoting books and reading that contribute to the strengthening of Russian and national (Moksha and Erzya) languages, literary traditions on the territory of the republic, the learning of local history knowledge. The National Library is a platform for book presentations and anniversary nights. At present traditional library events have been expanded with new various formats and models of intellectual and leisure activities: webinars, flash mobs, quests, bookcrossing, etc.


Keywords: library, institution of culture, the Republic of Mordovia, library work, reader interest, cultural environment


For citation: Chavkunkina OI. The cultural center of Mordovia: our first 125… Сenter and Periphery. 2024;19(2):118—124. EDN DAJDLO


Information about the author:

Olga I. Chavkunkina, Deputy Director for Library and Scientific Work of the National Library named after A. S. Pushkin of the Republic of Mordovia (26 B. Khmelnitskogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Candidate of Cultural Studies, ChavkunkinaOI@e-mordovia.ru


Conflict of interests: the author declares no conflict of interests.


The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The article was submitted 12.04.2024; accepted for publication 19.04.2024.