UDK 930.253



Archival material


Several little-known documents of the Razriad Prikaz on the history of abatis lines on the territory of the Mordovian region


Kochetkov V. D., Vidyaikin S. V.



The history of defensive structures of the XVI — XVII centuries is still of considerable interest to modern researchers. In the XVII century, the Insar-Potizh and Saransk-Atemar abatis lines were constructed on the territory of the modern Republic of Mordovia. The preserved parts of these fortifications are included as archaeological monuments of federal significance in the “Register of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Republic of Mordovia”. Research interest in them is fueled by the fact that many issues related to their construction and operation have not been resolved yet, and here the results of field studies can be completed with data from written sources. In the fund 210 “Razriad Prikaz” of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts there are three documents related to the history of defensive structures on the territory of the Mordovian region — “Extracts from the books of the okolnik and voivode K. O. Shcherbatov’s inspection of buildings of the Kozlovskaya, Tambovskaya, Kerenskaya, Sa-ranskaya abatis lines, submitted to the Razriad Prikaz” (1680), “Notebooks with the description of buildings of the Simbirskaya and Karsunskaya abatis lines sent from the Prikaz of the Kazan Palace to the Razriad Prikaz” (1680) and “Extracts from the documents of the Razriad Prikaz on the number of service people and peasants in selected towns and uyezds” (1680/81). They provide a unique information about the composition and size of defensive structures, which allows researchers to recreate them in the form of a single fortification complex, a significant part of which is already lost.


Keywords: archive, document, abatis line, voivode, sazhen, zaseka, rampart, fortress, jail


For citation: Kochetkov VD, Vidyaikin SV. Several little-known documents of the Razriad Prikaz on the history of abatis lines on the territory of the Mordovian region. Center and Periphery. 2023;18(3):34—42. EDN YUALAQ




1. Vidyaikin SV, Kemaev EN, Pronin AS. Results of monitoring of archaeological monuments in the Kovylkinsky and Temnikovsky Districts of the Republic of Mordovia in 2021. Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2022;(2):159—165. URL: http://vestnikniign.ru/gallery/V-2-2022-st-18.pdf (In Russ.)

2. Kaderova TN, Vikhlyaev VI. Defense of the south-eastern borders of the Russian state in the XVI — XVII centuries (On the example of the Shatsk-Alatyr abatis line). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. 2020;(3):7—17. URL: http://niign.ru/nauchnie-jurnaly/vestnik-niign-3,2020.pdf (In Russ.)

3. Frolov DV. Town slobodas and plans of Saransk of the XVII century. Center and Periphery. 2021;(1):12—23. URL: http://niign.ru/nauchnie-jurnaly/czentr-i-periferiya-1-2021-na-sajt.pdf (In Russ.)


Information about the authors:

Valery D. Kochetkov, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Cheboksary 428018, Russia), vkoch51@mail.ru

Sergey V. Vidyaykin, Principal Researcher — Head of Department of Archaeology of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (3 L. Tolstogo Str., Saransk 430005, Russia), Candidate of Historical Sciences, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8231-0843, vidyai-kin_sergei@mail.ru


Contribution of the authors:

Kochetkov V. D. — texts of documents extracting, their preparation for publication, scientific edit-ing of the text;

Vidyaykin S. V. — development of the concept, preparation of texts of documents for the publica-tion, writing the introductory part of the article.


Conflict of interests: the authors declare no conflict of interests.


The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The article was submitted 03.04.2023; approved after reviewing 12.05.2023; accepted for publication 19.05.2023.